Barry Hutt

Barry is the Chief Revenue Officer and a founder of Viviota. Barry has over 30 years of experience with manufacturing companies helping them to accelerate their time to market, streamline their processes, and improve the quality of their products. Hutt has a talent for spotting industry trends and identifying unmet customer needs well ahead of the curve, and founded Viviota to provide software to fully automate Engineering Big Data management and accelerate analyses at the edge, where engineers perform their work.
Barry Hutt

What is Sensor Data and Why is it Changing the World of Innovation?

Posted by Barry Hutt on Jan 31, 2019 7:03:00 PM

"What we've got here is a failure to communicate." In the 1967 Paul Newman movie classic Cool Hand Luke, that memorable line is uttered by the character "Captain" (head of the chain gang) to justify beating Cool Hand Luke, played by Newman. Captain of Road Prison 36 has just told Luke that he is wearing chains for his good—to which the prisoner cleverly responds, "Wish you'd stop bein' so good to me, Cap'n." 

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Topics: Engineering Data, Sensor Data, Analog Data