Viviota Blog

Sneak Peek at NIWeek Sessions: Big Daddy of Big Data & Saving Millions of $ Managing Sensor Data

Written by Patricia Friar | Feb 18, 2019 4:45:07 PM

National Instruments will be hosting their annual customer conference and partner showcase, NIWeek 2019, this year from May 20-23 at the Austin Convention Center. NIWeek draws engineers from across the transportation, aerospace, medical device industries and many others. There are also  a fair number of members of the academic community rounding out the crowd. It is a hub of activity for Viviota customers and partners and a busy time for our team. We were delighted to find out in January that Viviota will be presenting two of the conference technical sessions:

  • The Big Daddy of Big Data – A Whirlwind of Data in Wind Tunnels
  • How Companies are Saving Millions of $ Managing Sensor Data

The Big Daddy of Big Data – A Whirlwind of Data in Wind Tunnels

In “The Big Daddy of Big Data – A Whirlwind of Data in Wind Tunnels”, Darren Schmidt, Viviota’s CTO, will present a talk about Wind Tunnels applications. These applications produce massive amounts of dark data. Darren will discuss ways Viviota is helping customers to access this data in a way that makes it useful. He will discuss how wind tunnels customers, such as NASA, are cost-effectively managing their live and stored big analog data. The session will cover managing live and stored data quality, data cleansing, and you will learn about real gains in insights the NASA engineering team has made with these processes.

How Companies are Saving Millions of $ Managing Sensor Data

In our second presentation, “How Companies are Saving Millions of $ Managing Sensor Data”, Barry Hutt, a founder and Chief Revenue Officer of Viviota, will discuss how companies are dealing with today’s tsunami of sensor data, and how engineers are plugging this into their IT organization in ways they never imagined.He’ll discuss how three large automotive companies have built successful data management projects including how top performing engineering organizations are efficiently processing data for deep insights, and finding this is a critical factor in their success using Viviota Time-to-Insight software.  

Barry, will highlight best practices and pitfalls to avoid for building a successful structured and collaborative data management solution. He will also cover how customers, with engineering applications that rely on data measuring how events change over time, are using time-series data to create insights and cost-savings.Our customers are getting their time back and getting more out of their data.

Gearing Up

We’ll be gearing up for NIWeek over the next few months and preparing several exciting demos of Viviota Time-to-Insight Software. Viviota's software platform helps engineers and scientists simplify data exploration, including collecting, managing, and acting upon. Viviota’s software is highly adaptable and scalable and combines high-performance, server-based search and analytics engines to handle large amounts of data. Designed for computing at the edge, engineers can easily explore and share information across the enterprise for faster problem identification and resolution.